Document on Our International Publishing



Gece Kitaplığı Publishing was founded in 2008. According to ÜAK’s (Inter Universities Board Presidency) definition on April 2008 Associate Professorship Application Terms; Gece Kitaplığı is a Recognized International Publishing House level establishment. The relevant definition is as follows: “Recognized International Publishing House: the publishing houses that have been regularly working on international level for at least 5 years, whose publications are in the catalogs of recognized universities of the world and that have published at least 20 books by different authors.”

Our publishing house has a background of 10 years. We have published 1675 books from 1125 local and 382 foreign authors, up to December 2017. Our publications place in catalogs of well-known universities of Turkey and of the whole world. Attached is a list of our publications that are in certain universities’ catalogs abroad. 02.03.2018


 Yaşar HIZ

Executive Editor


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