Economic Publishing Pack is for the authors that have put professional writing in the center of their lives. It aims for your work to meet the reader in the real literature world, where competition is highly intense.
Services under Economic Publishing Pack;
Under this pack, publishing house prints 1000 copies for the first edition and hands 150 to the author. In this pack, the first edition of your book is 1000 copies. 7% copyright is offered following the sales of the first edition. EDITING SERVICES by experienced editors and academicians from the most exclusive universities of the country… Page designs and TYPESETTING SERVICES by agents with years of experience on book publishing… GRAPHIC SERVICES by our graphic design team that will make your wishes for the cover come true. DISTRIBUTION NET that offers 1000 copies for the first edition, handing 150 of them to you (shipping will be covered by us) and sending 850 copies on the shelfs. Informing the people in our database about the release of your book… Working with national and international online book shops… PUBLICITY SERVICES that contain shipping your book to writers from newspapers and book magazines…
Payment of our publishing packs;
Also, your books are sent to main distributors of the country (D&R, Emek, Kitap Yurdu, Idefix, Final, Alfa, İnsancıl etc.) and are put on the market in bookstores that are working with our publishing house.
The cost of layout, graphic, editing, advertisement, ISBN, banderol and distribution services is 6000 TL for this pack.
After getting the author’s approval on each step of the publishing period, the project is handed in in 1 month.
After the approval on publishing by the author, the book is published and distributed to the market in 1 month. (This covers all of the packs)