

As Gece Kitaplığı we publish books of poetry, academic, scenario, tale, theatre play, research-analysis, philosophy, thesis, religious, memoir, music, children’s books, cookbook genres and so on.


We care a great deal that our releases;

 Are not containing any hate speech,

 Are not racist

 Are not against human rights in any way,

 Does not have a sexist language,

 Are not pornographic.



To sum up;

We do not publish any work that discriminates or threatens a certain group or individual in matters of race, gender, age, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.



Form Gönderimi


Copyright © Kitaplığı 2024

Address:  : Kızılay Mah. Fevzi Çakmak 1. Sokak Ümit Apt No: 22/A
Phone: +90 0312 384 80 40
E-Mail:     For Your Corporate Orders:
Facebook : /gecekitapligi       İnstagram : /gecekitapligi      Twitter: /gecekitap